

Diverse stakeholders transforming school climate & culture through a data-informed, relationship-driven approach


Campaign Connect supports schools in implementing a sustainable continuous improvement cycle in service of persistent focus on whole child outcomes – academic, social, emotional, and physical. Campaign Connect is a data-informed, relationship-driven initiative that provides schools with the ability to (a) build an infrastructure for analyzing critical data in publicly accountable ways and (b) share productive dialogue throughout the school community (administrators, faculty, other staff, students, parents, and key community members/organizations) about strengths and areas of need that leads to the implementation of targeted and customized actions.

"What I love most [about Campaign Connect] is that everyone's voice is included. "

— 7th Grade Participant


Why Campaign Connect?

When students are immersed in safe, supportive, engaging, and inspiring environments where they feel connected to their school community through healthy relationships with adults and peers, they come to believe that people in their schools value them and want them to succeed. Research indicates that this belief is an important prerequisite to greater academic achievement, reduced bullying, lower dropout rates, improved grades, fewer discipline referrals, and fewer high-risk behaviors.


Schools participating in Campaign Connect will receive:

  • A framework and processes to coordinate, streamline, and focus on continuous improvement

  • Research-based resources

  • Opportunities for collaboration and learning with other schools

  • Certification and recognition for outcomes attained

Certification and recognition system

Schools involved in Campaign Connect will have the opportunity to receive certification and recognition for developing action plans and implementing evidence-based actions that support school improvement and whole child outcomes.

Easy-to-use resources

Schools are provided with research-based tools that offer helpful step-by-step guidance and access to an online community platform.

Forums for dialogue and collaboration.

Schools convene a diverse and inclusive stakeholder team to focus on school data, engage with the larger school community, and devise and implement an action plan. In addition, events bringing together schools provide an opportunity for sharing best practices amongst stakeholder teams participating in the Campaign Connect network.


For more information about CSS and Campaign Connect, please contact:

Dr. Margo Ross
Managing Director, Communications & Development
609.252.9300 x 113  |

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