Our Results


CSS’s work has been rigorously evaluated by research organizations, universities, and independent evaluators. Results consistently demonstrate that we improve students’ academic, social, and emotional skills, resulting in: significantly lower dropout rates; improved grades; fewer discipline referrals; and avoidance of high-risk behaviors.

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Our solutions improve students’ attendance, academic achievement, and help keep students on track to graduate.

Research findings indicate that students who participate in CSS programs attend school more often than non-participants, are on-track to graduate on time more so than non-participants, and exhibit a higher grade point average (GPA) than non-participants.

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Our solutions increase high school graduation rates and decrease dropout rates.

Research findings indicate that CSS improves the graduation rates of its student participants by nine percentage points and cuts by half the number of male students who would otherwise drop out.

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Our solutions improve students’ social and emotional skills and school behavior.

Research findings indicate that CSS programs improve students’ academic, social, and emotional skills, resulting in fewer discipline referrals and less fighting.

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Our solutions help students avoid high-risk behaviors.

High school students who participate in CSS’s comprehensive sexual health education program known as Teen PEP report or demonstrate that they have: (a) delayed or decreased sexual activity; (b) increased communication about sexual health issues; and (c) made healthier choices regarding sexual behavior than non-participating students enrolled in the same school.


Invest in CSS.
